Integrate Rep AI with


Upgrade your AI-powered Concierge to the next level with customer reviews and social proof. Rep connects to your Yotpo account and imports your reviews within the chat interface itself. Show customers product ratings and let them read the top reviews.

About Yotpo

A full suite of solutions for customer reviews, visual marketing, loyalty, referrals, and SMS marketing.

Enhanced Social Proof

Explore the many features and capabilities available to you with Rep and Yotpo.

  • Ask for reviews on demand
    Ask the AI-powered sales chatbot to hear a review about any of your products.
  • View ratings
    Let customers see the current rating for products while browsing.

Your customers just need to say what they want for an exceptional shopping experience that will keep them coming back.

Empower customers
with an AI guided
shopping experience

Try the simulator

Shoppers deserve a better experience—so let's give it to them. Conversational Shopping is the future of commerce. Join us.

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